Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Principles of Financial Engineering, 2nd Edition (Academic Press Advanced Finance), Salih N. Neftci

"Its focus on financial engineering and the actual use of derivative instruments makes Neftci's book an extremely useful complement to the standard introductions to derivative pricing and financial mathematics. The value of the text has been enhanced further by the addition of five chapters on structured products and credit derivatives not present in the first edition." --Rüdiger Frey, University of Leipzig

"Since its publication in 2004, Neftci's book has become the de facto reference text for financial engineering practitioners and academics. With renewed and extended emphasis on structured products engineering, Neftci keeps the material relevant and up to date for the current state of the financial markets.” --Dan Stefanica, Baruch College

About the Author
Professor Neftci completed his PhD at the University of Minnesota. Currently he teaches at the Graduate School, City University of New York, ICMA Centre, University of Reading, UK, and at the University Of Lausanne, Switzerland. He is also a Visiting Professor in the Finance Department at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He is the head of the FAME Certificate program in Switzerland.

Professor Neftci is known for his books and articles. His books, An Introduction to the Mathematics of Financial Derivatives and Principles of Financial Engineering, are standard texts in most university derivatives courses. The more recent book, Principles of Financial Engineering, was selected as the runner up for The Book of the Year award by Risk magazine during 2004. His current research deals with pricing of contingent credit lines, the relationship between yield curve curvature and volatility. He is also working on using the Credit Default Swap prices to predict financial crises. Overall, Professor Neftci's research and teaching is in the areas of financial engineering, risk management of extreme events and in emerging market asset trading strategies. His latest papers deal with risk measurement using extreme value theory and volatility dynamics.

Professor Neftci is a consultant to various financial institutions and teaches high-level courses on cutting-edge issues to advanced financial market professionals. He was recently a consultant with the World Bank and with the IFC. He regularly holds highly visible workshops for market professionals on Financial Engineering, Mathematics for Financial Derivatives, and Calibration Methods. Currently he is a Risk Management Advisor to IMF. Professor Neftci is also a regular columnist for CBN daily, a financial daily in Shanghai, the most influential financial newspaper in China. His columns dealing with current financial market activity are regularly quoted on sina.com and on sohu.com.

Great Professor. Nice Book. Prof. Neftci, Rest in Peace. I hope your friends and kids, who are working in this field, can help you finish the Calibration book. Thank you for your teaching.

This is one of the best textbooks I have ever read. Whether you are a finance person or math person this book is a great text to learn and master financial engineering. There are plenty of books on the subject, but few are targeted as an instructive introduction into all aspects of a very complex field.

I call this introductory, because it instructs and not because it lacks depth in its treatment of the topics.

The author is an excellent instructor, and presents very complex topics in a very approachable way for the student.

After completing this text you will have a solid foundation in the field.

This book is for the student, professional, or even the average person who wants to learn a fascinating field of finance.

Like Prof. Duffie said, it carefully balanced between theory and practice. An complementary book should be named Implementations of Financial Engineering.

Product Details :

  • Series: Academic Press Advanced Finance
  • Hardcover: 696 pages
  • Publisher: Academic Press; 2 edition (December 15, 2008)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0123735742
  • ISBN-13: 978-0123735744
  • Product Dimensions: 1.3 x 7.7 x 10.6 inches

More Details about Principles of Financial Engineering, 2nd Edition (Academic Press Advanced Finance)

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